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Another Apple Story…

I returned to my friend’s gorgeous apple orchard Le Verger des Dix-Terres to help him pick the last batch of apples. He had about a dozen or so trees to liberate. What a glorious day to do so! Just the right amount of heat, the sun kept peaking in and…

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Apples, Apples, Everywhere!

One last blast. Must get “rid” of these apples before the fruit flies invade my home! I’ve got the juice extracted to make a couple batches of jelly, a pot on already the stove cooking down to make apple butter, another about to go on to make a batch of…

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‘Tis the Time of Abundance

I so love this time of year! And this year is especially good. No, not garden-wise. My garden totally sucked this year, quite frankly. Each heirloom tomato plant gave me only one or two tomatoes. All my bell peppers got eaten by slugs and bugs as did my lettuce and…

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Day 7 (with a little cheat!)

OK – so in order to achieve my goal of one blog per day over seven days, I had to cheat! So sorry, but I’m posting twice today!! Last night we had friends over for dinner. I think my most favourite thing to do in the whole wide world is…

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Nothing Wrong With a Little Me Time

Do you ever have those days where you just want to get away from it all and have some “Me-time”? Happened to me yesterday. It is a very rare thing for me as I am a total social butterfly and the more people, the more going on, the more I’m…

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